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Because we think differently and believe in challenging the status quo with everything we do when it comes to customer service and plan administration.

Partnering with our advisor clients, plan sponsors, and participants to provide best-in-class service has been tantamount to the success of this organization since it was founded in 1976. We exist to serve those we work with. 

We Are Unbiased. We are 100% independent.

Our Core Values Drive Us Every Single Day


To craft the most suitable solutions, we keep people in the center of our concerns. With years of experience, we believe that wants are as important as needs.

Therefore, we work with you side-by-side to embrace any uniqueness.

As a fundamental human value to build solid and long-lasting personal relationships, we believe in integrity and reliability in every aspect of our plan administration servicing.


A commitment to excellence is a full-hearted commitment to quality of work, solutions, and respect of deadlines.

We are problem-solvers who offer exclusive attention to each case with a dedicated and accessible team working with you and for you.

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