We design, manage and administer corporate retirement plans
We provide 100% of the required administrative servicing for your plan, including all record-keeping, all required government filings, all required testing for IRS limits, as well as all required legal documentation related to your plan.
We service 401(k), 403(b), Profit Sharing, Defined Benefit, ESOP, Trustee Directed or Participant Directed Plans. We service clients of all sizes and across many asset platforms.
We Are Unbiased. We Are 100% Independent.
As a third party administrator, our objective is to provide each client with personalized professional services. This is accomplished through:
Assigning one Account Manager to oversee all administrative aspects of your plan. While we have a number of people who specialize in various administrative areas that provide backup and support to our Account Managers and who will be involved in certain aspects of the administration of your plan, with one telephone call to your Account Manager, your questions will be answered.
The caseload of each Account Manager is limited, so your account will get the attention it deserves.
Choice of traditional balance forward or daily valuation accounting systems using state-of-the-art software from nationally known vendors.
Participants in our daily valued plans have 24-hour, 7 days a week access to their accounts using our Participant Account Web Access System and Telephone Access System. The Telephone Access System is not as extensive as the Participant Account Web Access System, however, most of the choices that are available via the internet are available via the telephone.
Once Again, BEON Retirement is continuing our mission to meet your needs and exceed your expectations.
Our Core Values Drive Us Every Single Day
To craft the most suitable solutions, we keep people in the center of our concerns. With years of experience, we believe that wants are as important as needs.
Therefore, we work with you side-by-side to embrace any uniqueness
As a fundamental human value to build solid and long-lasting personal relationships, we believe in integrity and reliability in any aspect of our activity
A commitment to excellence is a full-hearted commitment to quality of work, solutions, and respect of deadlines.
We are problem-solvers who offer exclusive attention to each case with a dedicated and accessible team working with you and for you.